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October 17, 2006


Larry Schloss

Marty is innocent. The system is corrupt. What else can I say?

Marty..please know so many believe in you!

Larry Schloss


I just hope that the people who REALLY commited these murders will be brought to justice. We believe in you, Marty!

Joy Piccirillo

If the police had followed leads they got 18 years ago, I know Marty would not be in prison today. The evidence against Marty proved nothing, plus Marty never wrote or signed a confession. So why was he convicted, if the system isn't corrupt?

Marty is innocent! His family has always believed in him.

Eighteen years is a long time to wait for the REAL murderers of Arlene and Seymour Tankleff to be captured and brought to justice, I hope the time is now!

Marty, We are here for you and your mom and dad..we love you!

Joy Piccirillo

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